You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1138 lines
23 KiB

const ethers = require("ethers")
const _abi = [
inputs: [],
name: "InvalidInitialization",
type: "error",
inputs: [],
name: "NotInitializing",
type: "error",
anonymous: false,
inputs: [
indexed: false,
internalType: "uint64",
name: "version",
type: "uint64",
name: "Initialized",
type: "event",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "",
type: "address",
name: "blackList",
outputs: [
internalType: "bool",
name: "",
type: "bool",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
components: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
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name: "startTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "endTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "withdrawTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeAmount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "rate",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "address",
name: "sender",
type: "address",
internalType: "struct PledgeType",
name: "_pledge",
type: "tuple",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "_type",
type: "uint256",
name: "calculateInterest",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [],
name: "dayTime",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
name: "destroyPledge",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "addr",
type: "address",
name: "getAllInvitationMember",
outputs: [
components: [
internalType: "address",
name: "key",
type: "address",
internalType: "address",
name: "referrer",
type: "address",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "bindTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "contribute",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "struct RecommendObjType[]",
name: "result",
type: "tuple[]",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [],
name: "getCurrentTime",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "_owner",
type: "address",
name: "getInvitationWithdrawRecord",
outputs: [
components: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "amount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "createTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "struct InvitationWithdrawRecordType[]",
name: "",
type: "tuple[]",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "owner",
type: "address",
name: "getOwnerAllInvitationWithdrawAmout",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "_ownerAddress",
type: "address",
name: "getOwnerAllPledgeInfo",
outputs: [
components: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "startTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
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type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "withdrawTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeAmount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
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type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "address",
name: "sender",
type: "address",
internalType: "struct PledgeType[]",
name: "result",
type: "tuple[]",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "_ownerAddress",
type: "address",
name: "getOwnerAllTokens",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256[]",
name: "",
type: "uint256[]",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "addr",
type: "address",
name: "getOwnerInvitationPledges",
outputs: [
components: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "startTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
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type: "uint256",
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type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "address",
name: "sender",
type: "address",
internalType: "struct PledgeType[]",
name: "result",
type: "tuple[]",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "_owner",
type: "address",
name: "getPledgeDestoryRecords",
outputs: [
components: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "startTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
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type: "uint256",
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name: "withdrawTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeAmount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "rate",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "address",
name: "sender",
type: "address",
internalType: "struct PledgeType[]",
name: "",
type: "tuple[]",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "_owner",
type: "address",
name: "getPledgeRecords",
outputs: [
components: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "startTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
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type: "uint256",
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type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "address",
name: "sender",
type: "address",
internalType: "struct PledgeType[]",
name: "",
type: "tuple[]",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "_owner",
type: "address",
name: "getPledgeWithdrawRecord",
outputs: [
components: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "amount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "createTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
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type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "_type",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "struct PledgeWithdrawRecordType[]",
name: "",
type: "tuple[]",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [],
name: "getProductInfo",
outputs: [
components: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "day",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "rate",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "struct ProductInfo[]",
name: "",
type: "tuple[]",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "_owner",
type: "address",
name: "getWithdrawbleAmount",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "nftAddress",
type: "address",
internalType: "address",
name: "poolAddress",
type: "address",
name: "initialize",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "",
type: "address",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
name: "invitationAddress",
outputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "",
type: "address",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
name: "invitationPledges",
outputs: [
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name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "startTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "endTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "withdrawTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
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name: "rate",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "address",
name: "sender",
type: "address",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [],
name: "invitationRate",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "",
type: "address",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
name: "invitationTokens",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "",
type: "address",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
name: "invitationWithdrawRecord",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "amount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "createTime",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "amount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "index",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "address",
name: "_referrer",
type: "address",
name: "pledge",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "",
type: "address",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDestoryRecords",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "startTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "endTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "withdrawTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeAmount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "rate",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "address",
name: "sender",
type: "address",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "",
type: "address",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
name: "pledgeRecords",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "startTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "endTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "withdrawTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeAmount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "rate",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "address",
name: "sender",
type: "address",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [],
name: "pledgeStatus",
outputs: [
internalType: "bool",
name: "",
type: "bool",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "",
type: "address",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
name: "pledgeWithdrawRecord",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "amount",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "createTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "pledgeDay",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "_type",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
name: "productInfo",
outputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "day",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "rate",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "",
type: "address",
name: "recommendObj",
outputs: [
internalType: "address",
name: "key",
type: "address",
internalType: "address",
name: "referrer",
type: "address",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "bindTime",
type: "uint256",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "contribute",
type: "uint256",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "address[]",
name: "_blacks",
type: "address[]",
internalType: "bool",
name: "_status",
type: "bool",
name: "setBlackList",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "",
type: "uint256",
name: "setCurrentTime",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "_time",
type: "uint256",
name: "setDayTime",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "_rate",
type: "uint256",
name: "setInvitationRate",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "bool",
name: "_status",
type: "bool",
name: "setPledgeStatus",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [],
name: "withdraAllInterest",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [],
name: "withdraInvitationAllInterest",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
name: "withdrawInterest",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
inputs: [
internalType: "uint256",
name: "tokenId",
type: "uint256",
name: "withdrawInvitationInterest",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
const private = '0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80'
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("")
const contractAddress = "0xA51c1fc2f0D1a1b8494Ed1FE312d7C3a78Ed91C0";
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(private, provider);
const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, _abi, wallet)
let a = 1
async function sync() {
const res = await contract.setDayTime(ethers.toBigInt(1))
// 0x2ADDed672bacEfe857a408B577CB7DF1f6687c07
setInterval(() => {
}, 5000)