import { toBigInt } from "ethers"; import { ethers, upgrades } from "hardhat"; async function main() { // console.log("開始部署FIL合約"); // const FIL = await ethers.getContractFactory("FIL"); // const fil = await FIL.deploy(); // console.log("FIL合約",; const FIL_ADDRESS = process.env.FIL_ADDRESS // const FIL_ADDRESS = console.log('fil地址:', FIL_ADDRESS); console.log("開始部署NFT合約"); const NFT = await ethers.getContractFactory("NFT"); const baseURI = "ipfs://QmXrE6iMBSHKe6jcLJnXtC9RtnUyjdJx9sBFbvLUTMunQv/metadata.json" const nft = await NFT.deploy("SOFIL NFT", "SFSC", baseURI); console.log("NFT合約",; console.log("開始部署Pool合約"); const Pool = await ethers.getContractFactory("Pool"); const pool = await upgrades.deployProxy(Pool, [FIL_ADDRESS,], { initializer: "initialize" }); console.log("Pool合約",; console.log("開始部署Pledge合約"); const Pledge = await ethers.getContractFactory("Pledge"); const pledge = await upgrades.deployProxy( Pledge, [,], { initializer: "initialize" } ); console.log("Pledge合約",; console.log('執行初始化設置合約地址'); const tx = await nft.setPledgeAddress(; await tx.wait() const tx1 = await pool.setPledgeContractAddress(; await tx1.wait() // 主网删除 const tx2 = await pledge.setDayTime(toBigInt(60)) await tx2.wait() // 測試使用 console.log('設置成功'); console.log('NFT的質押合約地址', await nft.pledgeAddress()); console.log('Pool的質押合約地址', await pool._pledgeContractAddress()); console.log('质押时间', await pledge.dayTime()); } async function mainUpgradeProxy() { // 3.1173 const poolAddress = ""; const pledgeAddress = "0xD8553004442098415734A9EFE49e13E29919BfF9"; // const Pool = await ethers.getContractFactory("Pool"); // const pool = await upgrades.upgradeProxy(poolAddress, Pool); console.log('開始升級'); const Pledge = await ethers.getContractFactory("Pledge"); const pledge = await upgrades.upgradeProxy(pledgeAddress, Pledge); console.log('升級成功'); // console.log("Pool合約", pool.address); console.log("Pledge合約",; } // We recommend this pattern to be able to use async/await everywhere // and properly handle errors. main().catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exitCode = 1; }); // npx hardhat verify --network bscTest 0x8F7d8242d1A60f177e7389Bad8A7680FA50f2B89 // FIL合約 0x8F7d8242d1A60f177e7389Bad8A7680FA50f2B89 // NFT合約 0x8A50bd742312610b446286F43DF0DfB963f5fED5 // Pool合約 0x36821f56980814932530929C12dFC5fE80b50603 // Pledge合約 0x0d8e6b56FECEA32632a1B0fE73a84D4c5A2D44be