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4 months ago
  1. # OSX
  2. #
  3. .DS_Store
  4. .projectile
  5. .cljs_rhino_repl/
  6. .#*
  7. # Xcode
  8. #
  9. result/
  10. build/
  11. *.pbxuser
  12. !default.pbxuser
  13. *.mode1v3
  14. !default.mode1v3
  15. *.mode2v3
  16. !default.mode2v3
  17. *.perspectivev3
  18. !default.perspectivev3
  19. xcuserdata
  20. *.xccheckout
  21. *.moved-aside
  22. DerivedData
  23. *.hmap
  24. *.ipa
  25. *.xcuserstate
  26. ios/.xcode.env.local
  27. # Android/IntelliJ
  28. #
  29. build/
  30. .idea
  31. .gradle
  33. *.iml
  34. *.hprof
  35. .cxx/
  36. .idea
  37. .gradle
  38. *.iml
  39. **/android/.project
  40. **/android/.settings/org.eclipse.buildship.core.prefs
  42. # Atom
  43. .tags*
  44. # VS Code
  45. .vscode/
  46. workspace.code-workspace
  47. # node.js
  48. #
  49. node_modules/
  50. npm-debug.log
  51. yarn-error.log
  52. node_modules/
  53. node_modules.tmp/
  54. npm-debug.log
  55. yarn-error.log
  56. default.realm/
  57. # BUCK
  58. buck-out/
  59. \.buckd/
  60. android/app/libs
  61. android/app/obj
  62. android/keystores/debug.keystore
  63. !debug.keystore
  64. # fastlane
  65. #
  66. # It is recommended to not store the screenshots in the git repo. Instead, use fastlane to re-generate the
  67. # screenshots whenever they are needed.
  68. # For more information about the recommended setup visit:
  69. #
  70. **/fastlane/report.xml
  71. **/fastlane/Preview.html
  72. **/fastlane/screenshots
  73. **/fastlane/test_output
  74. # Bundle artifact
  75. *.jsbundle
  76. # Ruby / CocoaPods
  77. /ios/Pods/
  78. /vendor/bundle/
  79. # Generated by clj-rn
  80. #
  82. index.ios.js
  83. target/
  84. env/dev/env/config.cljs
  85. externs/
  86. shim.js
  87. # Generated by lein voom
  88. #
  89. /pom.xml
  90. # Figwheel
  91. #
  92. figwheel_server.log
  93. .nrepl-port
  94. # Lein
  95. #
  96. .lein-failures
  97. .lein-repl-history
  98. # Shadow
  99. .shadow-cljs
  100. ## Doo
  101. #
  102. out
  103. doo-index.html
  104. # Bundler
  105. .bundle
  106. # Status
  107. Statusgo.framework
  108. Statusgo.xcframework
  109. #ios
  110. /ios/Pods/
  111. /ios/StatusIm.xcworkspace
  112. /ios/react-native-xcode.log
  113. /ios/set_xcode_version.log
  114. .ruby-version
  115. status-e2e/
  116. #python
  117. *.pyc
  118. *.cache
  119. # It is recommended to not store the screenshots in the git repo. Instead, use fastlane to re-generate the
  120. # screenshots whenever they are needed.
  121. # For more information about the recommended setup visit:
  122. #
  123. fastlane/report.xml
  124. fastlane/Preview.html
  125. fastlane/screenshots
  126. fastlane/
  127. # Clj
  128. .cpcache/
  129. # emacs
  130. .dir-locals.el
  131. # We don't use NPM
  132. /package-lock.json
  133. /.re-natal
  134. /re-natal
  135. # Jenkins
  136. pkg
  138. # Conan
  139. conan*.txt
  140. conanbuildinfo.*
  141. conan.cmake
  142. # Env
  143. .env.bkp
  144. # nix
  145. /.ran-setup
  146. /.nix-gcroots/
  147. /result
  148. # modules
  149. status-modules/translations
  150. status-modules/cljs
  151. status-modules/resources
  152. ## coverage
  153. /.nyc_output
  154. /coverage-report
  155. ## fiddle
  156. /fiddle/node_modules/
  157. /fiddle/target/
  158. /fiddle/resources/public/images/
  159. trace.edn
  160. /app/
  161. project.clj
  162. ##appium
  163. test/appium/report/
  164. result.xml
  165. test/appium/tests/
  166. ##node bindings
  167. /bin/
  168. /lib/
  169. .env
  170. .env*
  171. PVT_Wallet.apk
  172. PVT_Debug.apk
  173. hippo_beta.apk
  174. *.log
  175. *.mobileprovision
  176. ios/archive/*
  177. .yarn
  178. logs